Selection Schedule (Archived)

S.No. Vacancy Description Download
1 Shortlist for Selection for the Post of GM(Civil)-Metro/Ports/Railway/Design on Regular
Basis against VC No. 06/20
2 Shortlist for Selection for the Post of General Manager (Civil) on immediate absorption
basis vide VC No. 43/20
3 2nd List of candidates shortlisted for the Skill test for the Post of Junior Assistant (HR) - VC NO 38/19
4 Shortlist for Selection (Stage-II Interview) for the Post of JGM (Elect.) on Regular Basis against VC No.04/20
5 Shortlist for Selection (Stage-II Interview) for the Post of General Manager (HR) on
Regular Basis against VC No. 55/19
6 Notice for postponement of written exam scheduled on 27.06.2021 w.r.t. VC No. 17/20
7 Shortlist for Selection for the Post of Jr. Assistant (Admin) for Ex seviceman candidates only on Regular Basis against VC No. 17/20
8 List of Candidates Selected for the post of Jr.Assistant(HR)against VCNo.38/19
9 Interview schedule(Stage-I)for the post of GM(Civil)on regular basis,against VCNo-06/20
10 Shortlist for Selection for the Post of JGM(Elect.)on Regular Basis against VC No.04/20
11 Shortlist for Selection for the Post of General Manager(HR)on Regular Basis against VC No.55/19
12 Revised Schedule for Shortlist for the selection for the post of AM(Civil/Elect/Mech)VC No.12/20
13 Interview schedule(Stage-II)for the post of GM(Finance)on regular basis,against VC No 54/19
14 Shortlist for the selection for the post of AM(Civil/Electrical/Mech)vide VC No.12/20
15 Result sheet of written test against the VC No.07/20,08/20 & 09/20
16 (Manager(SAP ABAP Webdynpro/BASIS),Manager(Network Engineer)&AM(SAP ABAP Webdynpro/MM/PS)
17 Revised schedule for written test for the post of Manager(Mech)on regular basis,VC No 03/20
18 List of candidates shortlisted for Skill test for the Post of Jr. Assistant(HR)-VC NO38/19
19 Interview schedule(Stage-)for the post of GM(Finance) on regular basis,against VC No 54/19
20 Shortlist for Selection of IT Professionals on Contractual basis in pay-scale against VC No 07-09/20
21 Interview schedule for the post of Engineer(S&T)on regular basis,against VC No39/19
23 Interview schedule for the post of Engineer (Civil) on regular basis, against VC No 37/19
24 list of candidates for the written test for the post of Manager(Mechanical)on regular basis(VC No.03/20)
25 Result sheet of written test for the post of Junior Manager(Legal)against VC No.64/19 v
26 Shortlist for Selection for the Post of DGM (Electrical) on Regular Basis against VC No. 05/20
27 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Jr. Manager(Legal)on regular basis against VC No.64/19
28 Shortlist for Document verification for the post of Engineer (S&T) against VC No. 39/19
29 Revised Shortlist for Document verification for the post of Jr Asstt.(Finance)VC-50/19
31 Notice for Document verification for Engineer (Civil) VC No. 37/19
32 Corrigendum Notice for Document verification for Jr. Astt (HR) VC No. 38/19
33 Re-scheduling of selection for the post of GM-Civil,VC No-02-20
34 Shortlist for Selection for the post of General Manager(Civil)against VC No.02/20
35 Document verification for the Post of Engineer (Civil)-VC No 37/19
36 Document verification for the post of Junior Assistant(HR)against VC No.38/19
37 Interview Timing for Junior Manager (F) VC No 49/19
38 Junior Assistant (Finance), VC No 50/19 Cut-off Marks
39 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AGMCivil) against VC No.65/19
40 Shortlist of Engineer (Civil) VC No 37/19
41 Shortlist for Jr. Assistant (HR) VC No 38/19
42 Junior Manager (F) VC No 4919 Cut off and Interview Guidelines
43 Selection Status Notice VC No 39/19
44 Selection Status Notice VC No 45/19-48/19
45 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Joint General Manager(Structure)against VC No.67/19
46 Shortlist for Selection against VC No. 72/19-74/19
47 Interview shortlist for the Post of Junior Manager (F) VC No 49/19
48 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Joint General Manager(Structure) against VC No. 67/19
49 Shortlist for Document verification for the post of Jr.Assistant (Finance)against VC No.50/19
54 Shortlist for Selection for the post of General Manager(Fin)against VC No.54/19
55 Observation Tracker of Written Test for VC No 49/19–50/19 (Date Extended)
56 Observation Tracker of Written Test for VC No 49/19–50/19
57 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Jr Manager(Legal)against VC No.64/19
58 The link for Mock Test for Written Test for VC No-49-50/19
59 Schedule of Written for Recruitment of Jr Asstt.(Fin) against VC No-50/19
60 Schedule of Written for Recruitment of Jr.M(Fin)against VC No-49/19
61 Recruitment of professionals (VC-49-50/19) on regular basis
62 Recruitment of professionals(VC-49-50/19) on regular basis
63 Observation Tracker of Written Test for VC No 37/19–39/19
64 Mock Test for following vacancies(39-39/19)is scheduled on 12th January 2020
65 Schedule of Written Test for Recruitment of Jr. Assistant(HR)against VC No 38/19
66 Schedule of Written Test for Recruitment of Enginner(Civil)against VC No 37/19
67 Selection for the post of Engineer(GSM-R)against VC No.31/19
68 Schedule of Written Test for Recruitment of Enginner(S&T)against VC No39/19
69 Schedule of Written Test for Recruitment of Junior Assistant(HR)against VC No38/19
70 Schedule of Written Test for Recruitment of Enginner(Civil) against VC No37/19
71 Recruitment of professionals on regular basis(VC No-37-39/19)
72 Revised Shortlist for Selection for the post of Engineer (Electrical) against VC No. 58/18
73 Recruitment of professionals on regular basis(VC No-37-39/19)Written Test is scheduled in Jan-20
74 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Engineer (Electrical) against VC No. 58/18
75 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Engr(S&T)on contract basis against VC No.23/19
76 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 61/18
77 Selection for the post of AM(Corporate Communication)against VC No.35/19
78 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Manager(Elect)against VC No.36/19
79 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Assistant Loco Pilot against VC No.77/18
80 Selection scheduled on 19.09.2019(VC No-21-22/19) has been postponed till further notice
81 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM(Elect) against VC No.56/18
82 Selection for the post of Engineer (S&T) against VC No. 22/19
83 Selection for the post of AM(S&T)against VC No.21/19
84 Selection for the post of Jr.Hindi Asstt against VC No.04/19
85 Selection for the post of Hindi Asstt against VC No.03/19
86 Vacancies and cut off for GET- S&T(11_19)
87 Selection for the post of ARE(Sleeper Plant)at DGM Level against VC No.34/19
88 Selection for the post of ARE(Bridge)at DGM Level against VC No.33/19
89 Selection for the post of ARE(Earthwork)at DGM Level against VC No.32/19
90 Shortlist for Interview for the post of GET (S&T)against VC No.11/19
91 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM(S&T)against VC No.20/19
92 Shortlist for Selection for the post of A(Civil)against VC No.19/19
93 Vacancies and cut-off for GET (Elect) against VC No 10/19
94 Shortlist for Interview for the post of GET(Elect)against VC No.10/19
95 Selection for the post of Manager (S&T) against VC No. 18/19
96 Selection for the post of Manager (System) against VC No. 17/19
97 Selection for the post of Manager (Civil) against VC No. 16/19
98 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM (S&T) against VC No. 25/19
99 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM(System) against VC No.15/19
100 Shortlist for Interview for the post of GET(Mech)against VC No.09/19
101 Vacancies and cut-off for GET (Mech) against VC No 09/19
102 Selection for the post of JGM(System) against VC No. 14/19
103 Selection for the post of JGM(Architectural) against VC No.13/19
104 Selection for the post of JGM(Civil) against VC No. 12/19
105 Selection for the post of AGM(HR/Personnel)against VC No.55/18
106 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Engineer(Civil)against VC.61/18
107 Vacancies and cut-off for GET (Civil) against VC No 08/19
108 Selection for the post of Assistant Engineer(Civil)against VC No.04/18
109 Selection for the post of Assistant Engineer(Civil)against VC No.04/18
110 Shortlist for interview for the post of GET (Civil)against VC No-08/19
111 Selection for the post of Engineer (S&T) on contract basis against VC No. 23/19
112 Selection for the post of Engineer(S&T)on contract basis against VC No. 22/19
113 Selection for the post of Technical Assistant(Civil)against VC No.03/18
114 Selection for the post of Technician Gr.III against VC No.78/18
115 Selection for the post of Hindi Asstt.VC No-05/19
117 Result sheet for written test for the post of Manager(Elect)against 68/18 at ROC-II
118 Result Sheet for the post of Engineer (Electrical) against VC No. 59/18
119 Selection for the post of Assistant Manager(S&T)against VC No.21/19
120 Selection for the post of Manager (Electrical) against VC No. 68/18
121 Selection for the post of Engineer(Electrical)against VC No.59/18
122 Selection for the post of AM(Electrical)against VC No.64/18
123 Selection for the post of AM(Electrical)against VC No.63/18
124 Selection for the post of AM(Electrical)against VC No.62/18
125 Selection for the post of Assistant Manager (IT) against VC No. 87/18
126 Selection for the post of System Analyst at AM Level against VC No. 86/18
127 Selection for the post of Senior System Architect at AM Level against VC No. 85/18
128 Selection for the post of Assistant Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 04/18
129 Selection for the post of Technical Assistant (Civil) against VC No. 03/18
130 Link for Objection tracker for Recruitment of professionals against VC No-77-78/18
131 Written Test for Recruitment of Technician Gr. III against VC No 78/18
132 Written Test for Recruitment of Assistant Loco Pilot against VC No 77/18
133 The link for Mock Test for Written Test of VC No 77/18 – 78/18
134 Recruitment of professionals on regular basis(VC No-77-78/17
135 Selection for the post of GM(Civil)/ Ports against VC No. 53/18
136 Discipline preference for Written Test of VC No 78/18
137 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Engineer (Electrical) against VC No. 70/18
138 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM(Electrical)against VC No.69/18
139 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM(Civil)against VC No.41/18
140 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Manager against VC No.84/18
141 Selection for the post of ARE(OHE &SCADA)against VC No.43/18
142 Selection for the post of RESIDENT ENGR against VC No. 42/18
143 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM (Telecom)against VC No.76/18
144 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM (Signal)against VC No.75/18
145 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Manager(S&T)against VC No.74/18
146 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM (Telecom)against VC No.73/18
147 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM (Signal)against VC No.72/18
148 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Manager(S&T)against VC No.71/18
149 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM (Elect.)against VC No.57/18
150 Selection for the post of ARE Testing & Commissioning Signal VC No.82/18
151 Selection for the post of ARE TPWS/Track Detection Interlocking Signal VC No.81/18
152 Selection for the post of ARE Testing & Commissioning Telecomagainst.80/18
153 Selection for the post of ARE Testing&Commissioning Signal against.79/18
154 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM(Transport Planning/Engg)against VC No.50/18
155 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Site AM(T&T)against VC No.50/18
156 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Engineer(Civil)against VC No.21/18
157 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Engineer(Electrical)against VC No.05/18
158 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM(Ropeway)against VC No.60/18
159 Shortlist for Selection for the post of GM(IT)against VC No.51/18
160 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Site Engineer(Civil)against VC No.40/18
161 Shortlist for Selection for the post of TA(Elect.)against VC No.02/18
162 Shortlist for Selection for the post of GM(Finance)against VC No.52/18(Revised)
163 Shortlist for Selection for the post of GM(Finance)against VC No.52/18
164 Shortlist for Interview for the post of ARE Building against VC No.45/18
165 Shortlist for Interview for the post of ARE Sleeper Plant against VC No.44/18
166 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM(Const)against VC No.48/18
167 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM(Design)against VC No.46/18
168 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for the post of AM(Tunnel)against VC No.37/18
169 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for the post of Manager(Tunnel)against-36/18
170 Schedule for Selected candidates against VC No-32/18
171 Objection tracker for Recruitment of Engineering professionals:VC 2-5/18 and 21/18
172 For the post of DGM (Mech.Elect.& Plumbing)/MEP Expert against VC-39/18
173 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM(Civil)against VC No.38/18
174 Venue for written test Scheduled on 23.09.2018 against VC No.2/18,3/18,4/18,5/18
175 Venue details for written test scheduled on 22.09.2018 against VC No.21/18
176 The link for Mock Test for Written Test of VC No 2/18, 3/18, 4/18, 5/18 and 21/18
177 Recruitment of Assistant Engineer (Civil) against VC No 4/18
178 Recruitment of Technical Assistant (Civil) against VC No 3/18
180 Schedule of Written Test for Engineer(Civil)against VC No 21/18
181 Schedule of Written Test for Engineer(Elect)against VC-No-5/18
182 Schedule of Written Test for TA(Elect)against VC-No-2/18
183 Recruitment of Engineering professionals-VC No-02,03,04,05,21/18
184 Selection for the post of DGM (HR/Personnel)against VC No. 18/18
185 Interview Shortlist for the post of DGM(Ropeway)against VC No-31/18
186 Interview Shortlist for the post of Eng(Electrical)against VC No-72/17
187 Shortlist for Selection for the post of JGM(Civil)against VC No.20/18
188 Shortlist for Selection for the post of GM(IT)against VC No.51/18
189 Shortlist for Selection for the post of JGM(Civil)against VC No.19 /18
190 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for the post of Manager(ARE Bridge)against VC No.16/18
191 Shortlist for Selection for the post of CAD Operator(Civil)against VC No.120/17
192 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Assistant Manager against VC No. 55 /17
193 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AGM (Electrical) against VC No. 01/18
194 Shortlist for Selection for the post of CAD Operator (Civil) against VC No. 119/17
195 Shortlist for Selection for the post of GM(IT)against VC No.17/18 in RITES Ltd.
196 Candidates selected as Engineer(Electrical)against VC No.78/17(List-3)
197 Result for the post of Site Engineer(Mech.)Electrical Plumbing(VC No.29/18)
198 Shortlist for Written/Interview for DGM ARE PSC Sleeper Plant against VC No.15/18
199 Result of written test for the post of Manager Traction/MEP Expert against VC No. 27/18
200 Syllabus for written test of Site Engineers for Ahmedabad/Nagpur/Pune Metro-VC.27/18
201 Syllabus for written test of Site Engineers for Ahmedabad/Nagpur/Pune Metro-VC.29/18
202 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Sr.DGM(Civil)against VC No.122/17
203 Interview Shortlist for the post of Engineer (Electrical) against VC No 78/17
204 Interview Shortlist for the post of AM(Electrical)against VC No77/17
205 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM(Automatic Fare Collection)VC No. 106/17
206 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Manager(AFC)VC No.105/17
207 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM(Automatic Fare Collection)VC No.104/17
208 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AGM(Design) against VC No. 113 /17
210 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Manager (Cons) against VC No.118/17
211 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM (Cons) against VC No.117/17
212 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AGM(Cons)against VC.116/17
213 link for Objection tracker for Recruitment against VCNo-72/17held on 26-02-2018
214 Interview Shortlist for the post of Engineer(Mech)against VC No-76/17
215 Interview Shortlist for the post of AM(Mech)against VC No 75/17
216 The link for Mock Test for Written Test of VC No 72/17
217 Selection for various posts on contract basis in Pay Scale for Mauritius Metro Project
218 Schedule of Written Test for Recruitment of Engineer(Electrical)against VC No-72/17
219 Written Test for VC No-72/17 has been scheduled on 26th February 2018
220 VC No-81/17 to 86/17(DGM & Manager) has been postponed till further order
221 No one is shortlisted for the post of DGM(S&T)against VC No.85/17
222 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Manager(Electrical)against VC No.84/17
223 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM(Electrical)against VC No.83/17
224 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Manager(Civil)against VC No.82/17
225 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM(Civil)against VC No.81/17
226 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Engineer(Civil)against VC No.109/17
227 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM(Civil) against VC No.108/17
228 Shortlist for Selection for the post of JGM (Civil) against VC No.107/17
229 Shortlist for Selection for the post of JGM-E&M Expert against VC No.58/17
230 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Mgr(Sociology/Social Work)VC No.59/17
231 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Mgr(Sociology/Social Work)VC No.59/17
232 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM(Sociology/Social Work)VC No.61/17
233 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM(Envr. Engg)against VC No.60/17
234 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Manager against VC No.54/17
235 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM against VC No.53 /17
236 Objection Tracker of Written Test for VC No 75/17-78/17
237 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM(Telecom) against VC No.103/17
238 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Manager(Telecom)against VC No.102/17
239 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM(Telecom)against VC No.101/17
240 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM(Rolling Stock)against VC No.91/17
241 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Manager(Rolling Stock)against VC No.90/17
242 Schedule of Written Test for Recruitment of Engineer(Elect)against VC No-78/17
243 Schedule of Written Test for Recruitment of AM(Electrical)against VC No-77/17
244 Schedule of Written Test for Recruitment of Engineer(Mech) against VC No-76/17
245 Schedule of Written Test for Recruitment of AM(Mechanical)against VC No-75/17
246 Recruitment of Engineering professionals on regular basis against VC-75-78/17(link for Mock Test)
247 Recruitment of Engineering professionals on regular basis against VC No-75-78/17
248 Shortlist for Interview against VC No. 87/17-106/17 for Mauritius Project
249 Shortlist for written test for the post of AM(SAP ABAP)against VC No. 52/17
250 Shortlist for written test for the post of Manager (SAP Basis) against VC No. 51/17
251 Shortlist for written test for the post ofAssistant Manager(Transport Planning)against VC No. 62/17
252 Recruitment of staff on contract basis in pay-scale for Mauritius LRT Consultancy Projectfor
253 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM(Company Secy)against VC No.79/17
254 Shortlist for written test for the post of Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 26/17
255 Shortlist for written test for the post of Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 25/17
256 Shortlist for written test for the post of Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 24/17
257 Written test/Interview for the post of Engineer(Electrical)against VC No.23/17
258 Time Schedule for DGM,Manager & AM(VC No.110/17 -112/17)
259 Syllabus for Ahmadabad Metro - VC No. 111/17 and 112/17
260 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for the post of AM(Civil)against VC No.15/17
261 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for the post of Manager(Civil)against VC No.14/17
262 Shortlist for Interview for the post of DGM(Civil)against VC No.13/17
263 Shortlist for Written Test for the post of CAD Operator (Civil) against VC No. 27/17
264 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for various post against VC Nos. 37/17 to 45/17 for DFC
265 Recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainees(GETs)through GATE-2016 & 2017 Score
266 Shortlist for Interview for the post of Graduate Engineer Trainee(S&T)against VC No.19/17
267 Shortlist for Interview for the post of Graduate Engineer Trainee(Electrical)against VC No.18/17
268 Shortlist for Interview for the post of Graduate Engineer Trainee (Civil)against VC No.16/17
269 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for the post of AM(Civil)for Mauritius Project against VC No.70/17
270 Shortlist for Interview for the post of DGM (Civil) for Mauritius Project against VC No.68/17
271 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for the post of Manager(Civil)for Mauritius Project against VC No.69/17
272 Shortlist for Interview for the post of Sr.DGM(Civil)for Mauritius Project against VC No.67/17
273 Shortlist for Interview for the post of JGM(Civil)for Mauritius Project against VC No.66/17
274 Selection for the VC No-38,39,42,43,44,45/17 scheduled on 29-30.08.17 is postponed
275 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for various post against VC Nos.37/17 to 45/17
276 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for various post against VC Nos.28/17 to 36/17
277 Shortlist for Written Test / Interview for the post of Assistant Manager (Civil) against VC No. 15/17 in RITES Ltd
278 Shortlist for Interview for the post of DGM (CS) against VC No. 46/17
279 Selection for the post of DGM(CS)scheduled on 25.07.2017 is postponed due to administrative reasons/17
280 Written Test/Interview for the post of DGM(Elec)against VC No. 22/17 for REMCL
281 Written Test/Interview for the post of MEP Expert(Mech)-Site Engineer against VC No.08/17
282 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Assistant Manager(Signal)against VC No.79/16
283 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Assistant Manager(Telecom)against VC No.83/16
284 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Assistant Manager(Signal)against VC No.82/16
285 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Assistant Manager(Telecom)against VC No.80/16
286 Shortlist for Selection for the post of CAD Operator(Civil)against VC No.116 to 119/16
287 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Manager(Civil)against VC No.14/17
288 Shortlist for Selection for the post of DGM(Civil)against VC No.13/17
289 Shortlist for Selection for the post of AM(Civil)against VC No.15/17
290 Shortlist for Selection for the post of TA(Civil)against VC No.122/16
291 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Manager(S&T)against VC No.81/16
292 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Manager(S&T)against VC No.78/16
293 Shortlist for Selection for the post of TA(Civil)against VC No.122/16
294 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Engineer(Electrical)against VC No.103/16
295 Recruitment of VC No.26-27/16(Safety Experts on contract basis) has been Cancelled
296 Recruitment of VC No.121/16(Transport Planning/Engineering Professional) has been Cancelled
297 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for the post of Engineer(Civil)against VC No.109/16
298 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for the post of DGM(Civil)against VC No.108/16
299 Shortlist for Interview for the post of JGM (Civil) against VC No. 107/16
300 Written Test/Interview for the post of MEP Expert(Mechanical)-Site Engineer against VC No.08/17
301 Interview Scedule of VC No.08/17 (MEP-Expert) has been postponed
302 Shortlist for Group Discussion/Interview for the post of DGM(Finance)against VC No.101/16
303 Shortlist for Group Discussion/Interview for the post of JGM(Finance)against VC No./16
304 Shortlist for Document Verification for the post of TA (Civil)against VC No.105/16
305 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for the post of Assistant Manager(Civil)against VC No.15/17
306 Shortlist for Interview for the post of Engineer(Civil)against VC No. 104/16
307 Shortlist for Written Test / Interview for the post of Manager (Electrical) against VC No. 70/16
308 Shortlist for Written Test / Interview for the post of DGM (Civil) against VC No. 93/16 in RITES Ltd.
309 Shortlist for Written Test / Interview for the post of DGM (E&M) against VC No. 94/16 in RITES Ltd.
310 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for the post of Engineer(Electrical)against VC No.99/16
311 Shortlist for Document Verification for the post of Technical Assistant (Civil) against VC No. 105/16
312 217-Interview-Schedule_VC_120-16.pdf
313 Shortlist for Interview for the post of General Manager(Civil)against VC No.106/16.
314 Written Test for the post of Engineer (Mechanical) against VC No 12/17
315 Syllabus for Written Test for the post of Engineer (Mechanical) against VC No 12/17 in RITES Ltd
316 Shortlist for Written test for the post of Technical Assistant (Civil) against VC No. 98/16
317 Shortlist for Selection for the post of Engineer (Elect.) against VC No. 92/16 in RITES Ltd.
318 Shortlist for Written Test for recruitment of Technical Assistant (Civil) against VC NO. 105 /16
319 Syllabus for Written Test for Technical Assistant (Civil) against VC No. 105/16 in RITES Ltd.
320 Shortlist for Written Test for recruitment of Engineer (Civil) against VC NO. 104 /16
321 Syllabus for Written Test for Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 104/16 in RITES Ltd.
322 Shortlist for Interview for posts against VC No. 10/16 - 13/16
323 List of candidates shortlisted for written test for the post of Civil Supervisor against.77/16
324 List of candidates Shortlisted for Interview against VC No.71/16-76/16
325 Interview for the post of JGM/DGM/ENGINEER(Civil)against VC No.107/16,108/16 &109/16
326 Interview for the post of ARE (OHE) against VC No. 65/16
327 Interview for the post of ARE(Quality Electric Traction)against VC No.64/16
328 Shortlist for Written test for the post of Technical Assistant (S&T) against VC No. 62/16
329 Shortlist for Written test / Interview for the post of Engineer (S&T) against VC No. 61/16
330 Shortlist for Written test for the post of TA(Electrical)against VC No.29/16
331 List of candidates Shortlisted for Interview against VC No. 32/16 - 42/16
332 Shortlist for Written Test/Interview for the post of Jr.Manager(Finance)against VC No.20/16
333 Shortlisted for Written Test/Interview for the post of Assistant Manager(Civil)againstVC No.25/16
334 Shortlist for Interview for the post of Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 122/15
335 Shortlist for Written test for the post of Technical Assistant (Civil) against VC No. 14/16
336 Shortlisted for Written Test / Interview for the post of Engineer (Electrical) against VC No. 84/15
337 Shortlisted for Written Test / Interview for the post of Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 83/15
338 Shortlist for Interview for the post of Technical Assistant (Civil) against VC No. 128/15
339 Shortlist for Interview for the post of Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 121/15
340 List of candidates shortlisted for written test for the post of Technical Assistant(Electrical)against VC No.30/16
341 Shortlist for GD/ Interview for the post of Graduate Engineer Trainee (Civil) against VC No. 18/16
342 List of candidates shortlisted for Interview for the post of Jr.Assistant (F&A) against VC No.73/15(2nd Batch)
343 Schedule VC No-/15(Structural Design Engineer-Civil)
344 Shortlist for Interview for the post of Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 121/15
345 Shortlist for GD/ Interview for the post of GET (Mechanical) against VC No.19/16
346 List of candidates shortlisted for written test for the post of T A (Mech.)against VC No. 06/16
347 List of candidates shortlisted for written test for the post of T A (Elect.)against VC No. 05/16
348 Recruitment of Engineer (Civil)against VC NO. 122 /15
349 Recruitment of Engineer (Civil)against VC NO. 121 /15
350 List of candidates shortlisted for written test for the post of Technical Assistant (Civil) against VC No. 127/15
351 Candidates have qualified in the written test held on 11-04-2016 for the post of Dy.GM(Legal)Vc.No-134-15
352 Candidates have qualified in the written test held on 11-04-2016 for the post of Dy.GM(Legal)Vc.No-134-15
353 List of candidates shortlisted for written test and stenography test for the post of PA / Stenographer against VC No. 03/16
354 List of candidates shortlisted for interview for the Post of DGM (Mech.) against VC No. 01/16
355 List of candidates shortlisted for interview against VC No. 105-120/15
356 List of candidate shortlisted for Interview for the post of Jr.Assistant (F&A)against VC No.73/15
357 Interview schedule for the post of DGM(Legal) and Manager (legal) with the syllabus
358 List of candidates shortlisted for written test and interview for the post of Hindi Assistant against VC No. 49/15
359 List of candidates shortlisted for Interview for the post of Jr. Assistant (F&A) against VC No. 73/15
360 The selection of Jr. Assistant (HR)VC no.90/15 has been postponed, test will be on 08.03.2016
361 List of candidates shortlisted for Written Test & Typing Test for the post of Jr.Assistant(HR)against VC No.90/15
362 List of candidates shortlisted for Written Test & Interview for the post of Jr. Manager(F)against VC No.88/15.
363 List of candidates shortlisted for group discussion and interview for the post of Dy.GM(F)against VC No.51/15
364 List of candidates shortlisted for group discussion and interview for the post of JGM(F)against VC No.50/15
365 Admit Cards for Written Test for Recruitment of Junior Assistant (F&A) against VC No. 73/15
366 Postponement of Interview for Regularisation of Contractual Employees TA(Civil)
367 Shortlisted Candidates & Syllabus for Written Test for TA(Elect.)VC No.60/15
368 Shortlisted Candidates & Syllabus for Written Test for Engineer(Elect.)VC No.59/15
369 Interview in RITES Lucknow(Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST)
370 List of candidates shortlisted for written test and interview for the post of AM(Civil) against VC No.29/15
371 Ranchi Venue Details for Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST(VC-No-42-48/15)
372 List of Shortlisted Candidates for Interview for the post of TA(Civil)VC No.23/14
373 Engineer (Mechanical ) against VC No. 30/15, Syllabus for the Written Test
374 Engineer (Mechanical ) against VC No. 30/15, Syllabus for the Written Test
375 Engineer (Mechanical ) against VC No. 30/15, Syllabus for the Written Test
376 Venue Details for Written Examination and Interview for VC No.32/15(Engineer) & 33/15 (TA)
377 Cut-off details for GET 2015
378 List of Shortlisted Candidates for Written Test for the post of TA(Civil) -VC No.23/14
379 CLICK for E-Admit Card for Written Test of Shortlisted Candidates-TA(Civil)-VC No.23/14
380 GD/PI schedule for GET-2015 (Civil, Elect, Mech, S&T)
381 Walk-in interview for formation of panel of Consultants for stage and final Inspection of Midlife Special Repair of Metro Coaches
382 Interview Schedule of VC No-08/17(MEP Expert) has been postponed
383 Selection for the post of DGM(CS) scheduled on 25.07.2017 is postponed due to administrative reasons
384 Selection for the VC No-38,39,42,43,44,45/17 scheduled on 29-30.08.17 is postponed
385 Time schedule for Selection for the post of DGM,Manager & AM(VC No-110/17-112/17
386 Recruitment of staff on contract basis in pay-scale for Mauritius LRT Consultancy Project
387 Selection for the post of DGM & Manager (Civil, Electrical & S&T) against VC No-81/17 to 86/17
388 Syllabus for written test of Site Engineers for Ahmedabad/Nagpur/Pune Metro against VC No.29/18
389 Selection for the post of Assistant Manager (IT) against VC No. 88/18