



RITES envisages its continued presence in projects under execution/planned in the railway sector such as Dedicated Freight Corridor, high-speed passenger corridors, network expansion, railway electrification, sub-urban railway projects, production units and workshop modernisation, port connectivity projects, freight terminals/logistics parks, redevelopment of railway stations, and coastal connectivity programme etc.

The Offerings

Infrastructure Studies:

Feasibility Studies, Preliminary Engineering-cum-Traffic Studies, Final Location Surveys, and Detailed Project Reports, etc.

Engineering Services:

Detailed Engineering, Integrated Design Services and technical support for railway projects and modernisation of railway systems; Conceptualisation and design of rail-based transportation system, Project management services, including turnkey solutions, for development of rail infrastructure, construction of railway sidings and connectivity projects.

Rolling stock design:

Studies and implementation of technological upgradation of rolling stock; maintenance and operational facilities such as Smart Yards, Coaching and Freight Maintenance Depots; design and development of rolling stock; and procurement and supply of wagons.

Railway equipment services:

Leasing of RITES locos; operation and maintenance of locomotives and wagons; rehabilitation and maintenance of railway tracks; train running and related operation in private yards and sidings; periodic overhaul/ major schedules of locomotives, wagons and diesel generator sets; railway system management, including the operations, workshops, depots and ancillary facilities; study for upgrade, rehabilitation of rail system; Rolling Stock Programme (RSP), capital expenditure works like conversion of coaches to NMG.

Signalling & Telecommunications:

Field survey and data collection, feasibility studies, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), smart city solutions, design of panel interlocking / route relay interlocking/ electronic interlocking, optical fibre communication networks, obiMle train radio communication (GSM-R), intelligent highway traffic management system.

Electrical Engineering:

Construction supervision and commissioning of railway electrification, sub-station, grid sub-station, building electrification, HVAC and fire alarm system, E&M work, escalators and elevators, DG sets, rural electrification, solar modules photo voltaic system, quality assurance and surveillance inspections in railway electrification etc.